Gum Disease Treatments

@Almaden Plaza Dental Care

Gum Disease Treatments

Cosmo Dental Office offers a variety of treatments for periodontal disease in Morgan Hill, CA. When you meet with Dr. Haleh Karimian and Dr. Heba Almalfouh, we will work with you to determine the extent of your gum disease and which treatments will be most beneficial to you. Please call us at 408-266-4690 to learn more about our gum disease treatments and schedule your consultation with our caring dentists Moonrock Canada.

Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is a degenerative condition primarily caused by bacteria found in plaque. The bacteria inflame and infect the gum tissues, and when left untreated, can eventually cause the gums to pull away from the teeth. Untreated periodontal disease can result in bone loss, tooth loss, and gum tissue recession.

If your gums are swollen, red, or tender, or if your gums bleed easily, you may have periodontal disease. Other common symptoms of gum disease include loose teeth, painful chewing, persistent bad breath, and receding gums that make your teeth appear longer than normal. Following an exam at our office, our dentists and team will be able to determine whether you suffer from periodontal disease.

The treatment for gum disease is based upon your specific dental needs. Depending on the severity of the condition, our dentists may recommend additional professional dental cleanings, improved at-home oral hygiene, antibiotic treatment, scaling and root planing (deep cleanings), or gum surgery. We strive to help you restore your oral health and halt the progress of the disease. For more information on periodontal treatment, we welcome you to call or visit our office soon. We look forward to caring for your smile!

To learn more about Almaden Plaza Dental Care and make your appointment with our dentists in San Jose, CA