Ridge Preservation

@Almaden Plaza Dental Care

Ridge Preservation

Missing teeth can cause indentations to appear in your gums as the supporting jawbone underneath shrinks. Our skilled dentists offer ridge preservation to augment this bone tissue and prevent it from deteriorating and causing your remaining teeth to shift. Call Almaden Plaza Dental Office at 408-266-4690 to make your appointment with Dr. Haleh Karimian and Dr. Heba Almalfouh and learn more about ridge preservation in San Jose, CA.

Ridge augmentation is a common bone grafting procedure used to recreate the natural contour of the gums and jawbone after tooth loss and bone loss. The alveolar ridge of the jaw is the bone that surrounds and supports the roots of the teeth. This ridge may deteriorate after tooth loss or removal, leaving an indentation in the jawbone. Bone loss after tooth loss can not only affect your smile aesthetically, but it can also make tooth replacement more difficult. Our dentists may recommend a ridge augmentation procedure to restore the original height and width of the alveolar ridge for aesthetic purposes or to allow the successful placement of a dental implant.

During the ridge augmentation procedure, our dentist fills the indented area of the jawbone with bone grafting material. This helps to rebuild the alveolar ridge for a more natural appearance and to enable successful implant placement.

Ridge augmentation can often be performed immediately after the tooth is extracted to eliminate the need for a second procedure later. It may also, however, be performed at a later time to prepare for implant placement. For more information about ridge augmentation, we invite you to contact our office today. We look forward to taking care of your smile!

To learn more about Almaden Plaza Dental Care and make your appointment with our dentists in San Jose, CA